Friday, April 17, 2009

Some Randomness

All week, I kept thinking that I hadn't posted in a while and that I should write about "fill in the blank thought of the moment." Then I'd get caught up doing something else and I'd never login and actually write. So here I am on April 17 and I haven't posted since March 20. I actually don't know the longest break between posts on this blog, but I'd venture to say this might be it.

So, since I can't remember anything I thought of this week to write about, here's some random thoughts:

- I'm in Houston visiting my sister, her husband and my niece for the occasion of my niece's first birthday. I can't believe she's been here for a whole year. It feels like she's been around a lot longer, but also feels like almost no time at all at the same time. She's hilarious and smart and sweet. I'm so glad to be able to be here for her birthday.

- I have decided that I am way too busy. It is very rare that I have a weeknight without something scheduled into it. Now, many of those things are social in nature: dinner with friends, a date here and there; and some of them are gym-natured: yoga on Wednesday nights. Some are work-based: an evening obligation, a board meeting and such, but I just can't figure out how I used to have so much time free. I don't anymore. And now that I'm up most mornings to go to the gym, I try to go to bed a lot earlier, so I feel like I have even less time.

- Community theatre is great. I finally saw a show at the Footlight in JP (which claims to be the oldest community theatre in the United States) and it was great. Gypsy, which I'd never seen before.

- FaceBook is a little addictive. And I really like it. The anthropological side of it: why do some people post a status update every few hours while others never do? is very interesting.

- I continue to love the gym. But my left knee hurts most of the time. So I might be forced to start wearing the neoprene brace I have to the damn gym. This is annoying to me.

- I am running a 5K in Groton, MA next weekend with my friend Sara. There's a good chance I won't be able to pull it off. Even though I have been exercising for months, every day, and I can run 5 miles at the gym, I have yet to run outdoors. I am psychologically tortured by the idea that it is harder and I will fail. I also haven't prescribed to any 5K training, either. I've just worked out every day. So, we'll see. If it's a huge joke, I will certainly begin an actual training regimen so I can do the 5K on June 7 and not embarrass myself.

- I am trying to figure out how I spent almost $2000 on credit cards between March 15 and April 15. Holy cow. That is way over what I usually spend in a month. There were quite a few big purchases on there (a flight, a rafting trip, mom and dad's day gifts, my niece's bday gift, etc.) but still!

- My roommate and I determined recently that we are both super happy in our place and we're planning on signing the lease again in September. I'm very pleased about this.

- I ditched Verizon (effers!) and moved to Sprint. I have a Lotus phone and I love it.

- Obama is going to sign the Ted Kennedy/Serve America Act during volunteer week next week. This is super awesome news!

- Obama also finally got his daughters their dog this week, and ended up getting it from Ted Kennedy instead of a shelter. He has taken surprisingly little flack over this.

- I hosted Flat Jack (like Flat Stanley, but a version of my friend Melissa's son Jack) in Boston for a week. I took him all around Boston and then added the photos to his scrapbook. He went to Switzerland, Scotland, Boston, NYC and Vegas on his travels. Such a cool geography lesson for little kids.

- I am already beginning to prepare to mourn the loss of Lost when it ends next year (I think it's next year). It is the single most awesome media experience I have ever had. I love to watch it, I love to think about it. I think it's rad.

- Adventureland was great. Greg Mottola is great. I loved it.

- Boston Restaurant Week makes me happy.

- It seems like spring is never coming. Apparently I missed a real spring day today in Boston, which would've been the first real one.

- I planted my garden last week. Scallions, zucchini, cukes, green beans, radishes, green peppers, basil, rosemary, and parsley. Then it got down into the 30s at night. Now all the little seeds might be frozen to death. If nothing ever grows, I may have to completely replant. Bah.

- Family dinners have begun. They are once a month on Sunday afternoons and involve my dad's side of the family: cousins, aunts, uncles. I am hosting on May 3 and we are headed over into the Arboretum for the lilacs first before dinner. Fun!

- Men continue to be confused about appropriate behavior. Evidenced by my and friends continued dating experiences.

- I'm trying to figure out how often I need to replace my sneakers. I think every 6 months will do if I keep up this rigorous gym-going.

- Bella Luna/Milky Way in JP has closed. So sad. But it will reopen it its new iteration soon at the Brewery. So happy.

- I will attempt to be better at posting here as summer progresses.


Unknown said...

don't worry about the 5k , just go and have fun.

Unknown said...

don't worry about the 5k , just go and have fun.

Robert McCarty said...

I stopped by your blog to see how your journey is going..enjoyed the visit (as always).
Be careful with the knee and pushing it running, I disagree with Fred's comment...this is from hard earned experience.
Best wishes from the Planet Of The Dogs.
PS Stop by our barkingplanet blog some time when your thoughts go to kids books