Saturday, August 08, 2009


I had my first ever stay-cation this week. I really needed a break from work before my new staff comes on board on August 17 (AmeriCorps turns over every year). I figured out pretty quickly that due to a $500+ brake job, and a couple of big donations I made this month, I wasn't able to go on a vacation as originally planned. So I had a stay-cation.

This term seems like it should be annoying, but I love it. It's a vacation, but you stay put at home (more or less). I really made a good one. I spent one day visiting my parents and having dinner at the Pond in NH. One day with my friend Sara and her kids at the pool. Two days and one night driving to Burlington, Vermont and camping out on the shores of Lake Champlain, and one day at the beach in Quincy. I rounded out my week with a weekend painting a friend's new condo and a canoeing trip to NH with my parents (their mom/dad's day gifts).

I feel like I haven't been at work in a month and I'm completely relaxed. I was off this week from FitCamp, but Annamaria and I did our own do-it-yourself FitCamp on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning which I could still do, this being a stay-cation. I didn't miss First Thursdays, which was nice. And I slept, all but one night, in my own bed, which was also nice. I read three books and three magazines cover to cover. I didn't open work email except once. I got a few errands done that I needed to get done.

I've had a few people tell me that they don't take all their time off because they don't really have anywhere to go. Stay-cations. It's the answer to what ails you. I swear.

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