Friday, April 16, 2010

Musings Brought on by Ash Clouds

I am meant to fly to Reykjavik next Friday night.

There is a giant ash cloud from the recent eruption of Eyjafjallajökull about 75 miles outside of Reykjavik.

There's no imminent danger in Iceland, really. Assuming that Katla doesn't blow.

If I were trying to go to Europe, I'd be SOL. Since all the air space is shut. The cloud is hovering over Europe and slowly moving eastwards. It is made up of rocks and glass and shit that, if it got into a plane engine, would destroy it.

I'm not linking to any news story because every single one says something different. Nobody really knows what is going to happen with this volcano or Katla or anything really. Because it's the Earth. And nobody can ever figure out what it is going to do next.

Apparently, tourists and scientists alike are hanging out looking at the volcano.

When this volcano last blew in 1821, it kept erupting for over a year, until 1823. Woah.

In 1821, there was no air traffic to worry about. There are also only 320,000 people in Iceland right this minute, so there were probably far fewer in 1821.

I am not really worried about my trip to Iceland. Flights from the US are uninterrupted. Seems there's nothing really to worry about.

Dude, though. This is interesting.


susanvboss said...

maybe you should bring your bike in case you need to out run some lava! you are a bad ass, i think you can take some lava flow! :)

susanvboss said...

maybe you should bring your bike in case you need to out run some lava. you are a bad ass on the bike. i think that you could take some lava flow. :)