Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Save Gay Marriage

Please take the 10 minutes to watch this video.

Better Angels

As we move towards a possible vote on the Constitution of Massachusetts, which could possibly reverse the legalization of gay marriage, I am finding it increasingly important to work against this ever happening.

MassEquality is taking donations, volunteers, and encouraging us to contact our legislators.

If you believe that civil rights should not be voted upon by the general population and if you believe that the Constitution should not be used to take away rights, then you can support this issue.

If you believe that love is love, regardless of who is doing the loving, you can support this issue.

If you believe that family is family regardless of the gender of those involved, then you can support this issue.

If you believe in us as humans and in people as free, you can support this issue.



Anonymous said...

The Red Sox are GREAT (although our family attending the game is bad luck)
The Patriots just got Randy Moss and are Superbowl favorites.
Your brother is the coolest

Poo smells most of the time
Dogs poo
houses cost a lot of money
Dogs poo in the house sometimes

Karen Boss said...

my silly brother accidentally put this comment here on this very serious post rather than below on the happy/sad post. duh.

susanvboss said...

i was wondering what the heck he was talking about!