Sunday, April 22, 2007

Things to be happy about:
- it is finally sunny again.
- it is warm!
- i planted vegtables (radishes, cukes, green beans, basil, parsley and tomatoes) on my deck this morning.
- i am super healthy.
- my work is meaningful and i'm good at it.
- my family is really great. (lots of people say that, but i mean it, and it's true).
- i live in a really nice apartment with a nice roommate and it's in the city i love that is my home.
- i have about 30 people i could call if i really needed help in an emergency.
- i have enough money to feed myself, put a good roof over my head, drive a reliable car, ski all winter, go travelling, and more.
- my body does what i want it to, for the most part.
- i am smart. i can t hink critically and have an open mind.

Things to be sad about:
- i can never, in the forseeable future, buy a house (it is financially impossible for me).
- i have to keep dating if i am ever going to find my damn husband.
- i am a little bit jealous of my siblings, who both have someone to love and who loves them.
- i am scared of one of my parents dying and not being prepared to emotionally support the one left behind.
- we live in a country that apparently thinks fighting is the way to get things done.
- we live in a country where violence is really out of hand.
- innocent people are dying, here and elsewhere.
- i, once again, weigh about 20 punds too much and unless i diet for the rest of my life, which includes never eating another cookie or french fry, i probably will continue to.
- stupid american ski corps sold off killington and mt. snow and we still don't know if passes will be affordable next season.
- i am alone.
- i am sometimes lonely. this is new.
- not enough people notice the beauty around us every day.

As far as pro/con lists go, it's a pretty good one. But having a lot of time to myself has got me really thinking about the balance and the real desire I have to keep the happy side stronger.

1 comment:

Cheryl Boss said...

35kssbI think if all of us started focusing on the positive side of everything,then life would not be so violent and unhappy for so many people. I like our family, too.

I like that you are so honest and open minded and self-aware.
YEP !!! You still have to date....