Monday, August 13, 2007

The Idiot Box

I've almost completely stopped watching TV. I never thought it possible. After years as a junkie, I've gone almost completely off the juice.

I am dedicated to only three shows, two of which won't start up again until January 2008 (Lost and The Amazing Race). The third begins in September (Grey's Anatomy). I am considering adding a fourth (Private Practice, the Grey's spin-off Kate Walsh vehicle), but we'll see how that goes.

Not having cable has partly precipitated this and it being summer and light out till 8 is responsible for the other part. I wish daylight savings would just get on the fast train outta here so we can have sun and no reason to turn on the tube.

Right now, I'm watching the end of Two and a Half Men, which is a stupid show that is actually funny. This is how they get us. Even when it's stupid, it's usually somewhat funny. This is the first time I've turned on the set in about 3 weeks or so. I'm turning it off.

Don't think I'm all high and mighty (like, you watch too much TV and I'm better because I don't engage in all that crappy stuff) since I paid $14 including parking to watch an extra-long Simpsons episode masquerading as a movie on Friday night.

So there you go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen, sister! I have even given up Grey's. I have achieved "closure" on that story, as it were. NetFLIX my friend! Not only can you watch all the old TV you never got to see, but great docs, foreign, HBO stuff, plus the movies. I never watch TV anymore. But I watch TV every night. hahaha.