Tuesday, January 02, 2007


It's 2007. How the hell did that happen?

My year of tres inviernos (three winters) has come to an end. Course, I still have most of the third winter to get through, but that's another story.

What a weird year. It was just last January, around my birthday, when I decided to consider applying for the Peace Corps. From the moment I made the decision, I was on my way, much the way I do most things. Figure it out, make it happen, and keep moving forward toward whatever decision you've made. So I did, and scarcely three months later I received my invitation and only 6 weeks after that, I left. Some might say the whole thing was too quick, but I know different. It wasn't "too" quick. It was just quick, which, when you've made a decision and feel good about it, is a good thing.

Three months deciding to apply and doing so, two months getting there. Three months living in Paraguay. Two months of complete uncertainty of what was next and worrying like I haven't in years. And the final two months, settling into a new job and being home. What a compartmentalized year.

I'm not sure what this year will hold, but it might not be just hunkering down and staying put. My roommate decided over Christmas that she should think about buying a house and she will begin that process this month. I'm really excited for her. What I'll do is still up in the air. I could move with her and help her with the mortgage by paying her rent. Or, I could stay here, in this place I've come to really love (even with the horrible landlord) and find myself a new roommate. And, I could move (again). That idea doesn't sound so horrible (it is amazing how quickly you forget how awful moving is). So do I stay here in the city or is it maybe time to move up to Lowell and be closer to family and friends and take advantage of the cheaper rent and extra 50 minutes times 2 trips a day on the commuter rail to read? Perhaps I might actually get to be a daily Globe reader again if I do that.

I'm not making resolutions this year. I haven't for a while now. I'm just going to keep trying to be a better person and keep trying to make new friends. I'm going to keep dating and keep telling everyone I know to tell all their single guy friends that they know this great single woman. I'm going to keep doing good work and helping others do good work. I'm going to keep in touch with my friends in Paraguay and keep spending time with my family. I'm going to keep defending those who need it and keep learning as much as I can. I'm going to keep listening incessantly to NPR and keep making dinner dates with friends I don't see that often. I'm going to keep going to the gym and keep eating well and sleeping well. I'm going to keep loving my siblings and keep getting to know my new brother-in-law better. I'm going to keep arguing and keep watching Grey's Anatomy. I'm going to keep loving the Amazing Race and keep using the library. So there's nothing to resolve, only things to keep. Let's do that from now on, make New Year's Keeps.

Welcome 2007. I'm amazed you are here already, but I still welcome you. Let's make it a good one!


Caroline Bender said...

I was going to comment, then I remembered we are having dinner tomorrow night. Then I remembered how it feels when no one comments on posts. So I am commenting. Uumm... let's talk tomorrow. !

Cheryl Boss said...

What a life! What a wonderful positive outlook about hanging onto and appreciating what you have.
Such a goal to accomplish "a life lived well." Yeah for what you do, and more importantly, for who you are!