Sunday, September 23, 2007



By the numbers:

- 6 divers
- 2 nurse sharks
- 1 very nice Belizian Divemaster
- 1 very nice Belizian boat captain
- 80 feet deep
- 3 stingrays (2 of which were very big)
- 1 brown-spotted moray eel
- 1 baby boxfish (so cute!)
- 20+ huge-ass brown spotted grouper
- 2 fish who came along on the whole dive with us
- tons of awesome canyons and rocks covered in coral and fans
- 5 little bags of water (Crystal, the Belizian water company makes these little 10 oz bags of water. you bite the corner off and suck the water out. We decided they should make beer like that. In strips like bandaids. Then you just rip off a little bag of beer and go!)
- 10 more dives to look forward to! (Including 2 at the Blue Hole, pictured at the top of this post.) Woot!


susanvboss said...

yeah!! you got to dive!! i am so glad for you!!! keep the stories coming I love them!

Anonymous said...

sign me up to invest in the perforated beer lotto-ticket roll