Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday 5

This week's Friday5 is NAGGING.

What kinds of nagging injuries do you have?

I have lower back pain that started in high school, disappeared for a lot of years and is back now. I also have stupid plantar fasciitis, especially in my right heel, so I always have to wear sensible shoes.

What long-procrastinated task is nagging at you lately?

I really need to save all my photographs on some kind of back up (external hard drive, online, something). I need to get on that.

In what way have you been a nag to someone else?

I'm a nag all the time at work. I am the one who is always pointing out that now the event is less than 3 weeks away and nobody is invited.

Who in your life is a world-class nag?

Nobody really. I'm lucky like that.

Nag is such an ugly word. What would be a nicer way to describe someone who exhibits nagging tendencies?

Asshat. I love that word!

1 comment:

Bernadette Coveney Smith said...

You should try - there are always promotions and it's totally worth the $50/year or so. Saved my ass just the other week...