Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Things to Let Go Of

Today is the autumnal equinox. The first day of fall. The beginning of the annual end. The season when things die and fall down and fall off and shut down for the winter. The season of letting go and moving on and preparing for the glory of what comes next.

There are a few things I should let go of. Perhaps we should start a tradition, wherein we make "Let Go Resolutions" in the fall something akin to New Year's Resolutions in January. (Considering I hate those, I have no idea why I'm advocating for even more.)

My list is thus:

1. Let go of body issues. I am not fat. I am a big person, bigger than most women. I am tall, and broad, and strong and heavy. I am also curvy and voluptuous and healthy and strong and not hard on the eyes. I should just let go of feeling bad about my body.

2. Let go of annoyances I have with certain people. Those people are in my life. I love them. And the constant annoyance is not helping me and it's not helping my relationship with said people. And really, the word annoyances is right. These things I harbor are teeny-tiny in the grand scheme of the world. My life would be smilier if I let go of these.

3. Let go of hatred. I hate a couple of things/people. Like, really harbor anger. I should just get over this. This one is a tall order. I don't take anger lightly and I never have. It's not something I like having. But it's getting stronger and stronger instead of lighter in this instance and it's time to try to let go of some of it.

4. Let go of worrying about money so much. I have enough. More than enough. Plenty. End of story.

Letting go is easier said than done. The leaves seem to have it down much better than we people do. But, ever notice those last couple leaves still hanging onto the branch after most of the others are already rotting away on the ground? I'm one of those. I just am. It's who I am. But I can always reiterate my desire to change and try it again and again. On this equinox, I pledge this.

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