Thursday, September 25, 2008

Before and After

Christy and I waited till the sun was low tonight to go down to the edge of the field to take some shots of our hard work.



We have no idea how many we picked total, but considering we thought we'd picked 150-200 butternut squash the other day and today after loading them all into the truck and counting, we discovered it was 272 of those, we think maybe we picked more than 1500 pumpkins. No clue!

Here's all the piles in the field. There are about 30 piles.

Today's work: vacuum-packing and labeling 400 pounds and half-pounds of tofu, loading up the butternut from the fields into boxes and putting them in the barn, and picking 32 dozen corn. Tomorrow's work (our last day): shucking 25 dozen corn and bagging them for the market, bagging apples for the market, boxing 2 boxes of pumpkins for the market, picking up 13 boxes each containing 12 dozen eggs for the market at the chicken-farm place, putting some eggs into 8s and 6s for the market, and whatever other chores happen pre-market that we don't even know about yet.

We're headed out very early Saturday morning and will make our way north and west to New Brunswick before turning south along the shore, stopping in St. John for lunch and then crossing the border to Maine and travelling the small Route 1 to Bar Harbor. We stay there for the night with a friend of Christy's dad (who grew up in Bar Harbor). Sunday we'll hit Boston by 3 or 4 in the afternoon. I'm sad to see the farm-trip end, but happy to be going home to my own bed again. The perfect way to feel at the end of a vacation!

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